Accounting Interface
The finPOWER Connect Accounting Interface Add-On allows you to export bank, cash and accounting transactions such as payments, accruals and journals to third party accounting systems you already use.
Some of current Export Files formats included are:
- Cash Manager
- Great Plains
- GreenTree
- Quantum
- QuickBooks
- Sage
- Solution 6
- Xero
finPOWER Connect includes integration to emPOWER without the need for this Add-On.
The finPOWER Connect Branches Add On allows you to segment your business into “Branches”. Each Branch can have its own:
- Contact Details
- Operational Calendar, allows for different regional / state public holidays
- Secured Party Group, for PPSR Registrations
- Employees
All reporting can then be completed “by Branch” to assess the Branch’s overall performance.
Document Manager
Doing battle in the Paper War just got easier.
The finPOWER Connect Document Manager Add On allows electronic documents and files to be displayed in either the Client, Account or Security Statement screens. Possible uses will include storing scanned images of Drivers Licenses, Pay Slips and Bank Statements on the Client File, signed Contracts and Direct Debit forms on the Loan File and even photographs of collateral items in the Security Statement File.
Any outward bound documents generated from within finPOWER Connect can also have an electronic copy of them saved in the relevant file for easy retrieval and regeneration.
Files can be accessed by a simple click of the mouse, either previewing the file or opening the document itself.
Electronic Signatures
The finPOWER Connect Electronic Signature module allows you to get your loan documents signed quicker and more efficiently providing a faster turn around of applications and loan approvals.
Signatories are notified via email or SMS that a document is awaiting signature. They can then “sign on glass” or insert their own signature to complete the signature process. The documents are returned to finPOWER Connect to be easily accessed from the Client or Account file.
We currently support the following Electronic services:
- Adobe Sign
- Docusign
- Secured Signing
The finPOWER Connect Entities Add-On allows you to maintain separate Entities in the one database. Each Entity can be a separate legal entity as details are recorded for:
- Statutory identification Numbers, such as ABN, ACN and TFN in Australia or IRD and Company number in NZ
- Credit Licence Numbers
- Operational Financial years
- Operational Calendar
- Operational date ranges
- Branches that “belong” to the Entity
- Bank Account details
All reporting can be segmented or grouped by the Entities allowing for improved analysis of your data.
Page Sets
The finPOWER Connect Page Sets Add On allows custom User Interface forms to be created.
The application of Page Sets is potentially limitless and can be used wherever there is the need for a custom form or interface within finPOWER Connect. For example, Page Sets can be used to create custom Loan Application forms, add specialised forms for Cheque Cashing and CRM forms to drive targeted marketing campaigns.
- A Page Set form can look and feel like any other finPOWER Connect form.
- Forms are integrated within finPOWER Connect itself.
- Use an Event driven model to provide complete control over the User Interface.
- Can access the full finPOWER Connect Business Layer.
The Page Set Designer is used to create Page Sets. The Designer includes many drag and drop controls such as Textboxes, Comboboxes, HTML frames, images and buttons. Control functionality can be customised by the use of script code, making Page Sets a very powerful tool.
Rate Tables
The finPOWER Connect Rate Tables Add-On provides additional Interest Rate flexibility, it allows Rates to change on a date and as the Account balance changes.
It can be used with Revolving Credit Loan Accounts and Deposit Accounts in this way.
Rate Tables can be used in a number of ways:
- Record a Base Interest Rate that changes over time.
- The Account can define a premium to add or subtract from this Base Rate to form the actual Rate that is charged.
- Interest Rates can vary according to the balance of the Account by using a “Tiered” rate.
- For example, 10% up to $10,000 and 15% over this.
SMS Service
The finPOWER Connect SMS Services Add-On provides the ability to send SMS TXT messages directly from finPOWER Connect. Any replies from the client are sent directly to the finPOWER Connect User’s email address, and replies to the e-mail are reconverted to a SMS TXT message.
Sending TXT messages offers a number of advantages over conventional communications:
- They are instant, the message is delivered within seconds or minutes of it being sent.
- It is current technology, so has a greater appeal and improved response rates to traditional communication methods.
- Clients are more reliant and respond more readily to their cell phone than both mail or conventional phones.
- They are cost effective when compared to traditional mail.
- Replies are handled easily as they are sent directly to your e-mail address.
Within finPOWER Connect there are two methods for sending TXT messages.
- Simple, ad-hoc messages can be used to send casual messages to clients. TXT messages sent this way automatically generate, if applicable, a new Log Note recording the event and content of the message. You can even charge a fee.
- The other option is to send TXT messages via MS Word VBA. Using MS Word VBA allows far greater flexibility for selecting clients to send messages to and can be incorporated into letter runs. This could be used to notify clients of a reversed Direct Debit payment, remind them of a payment that is due tomorrow, advise of a missed payment etc. The possibilities are endless.
Web Automation
This Add-On allows the finPOWER Connect Business Layer to be used by custom applications running on a Microsoft Web Server. This is essential where you wish to develop a Web portal for Clients or External Parties to offer the ease and convenience of web based services.
The Client Connect Web Portal is an example of how this Add-On can be used.
System Requirements
For more information on the minimum requirements of the finPOWER Connect Web Services Add-On click here.
finPOWER Connect Cloud
finPOWER Connect Cloud is a browser-based version of finPOWER Connect that works in conjunction with the finPOWER Connect Web Services.
Works with all major Browsers:
- Internet Explorer 11+
- Edge
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
Works on Desktop and Mobile devices, eg:
- Windows PC
- iPhone
- iPad
Click here for more information on finPOWER Connect Cloud
Sample Account Application
This is an HTML Widget which can be viewed from finPOWER Connect Cloud and also within finPOWER Connect itself.
Home Pages can be customised for different types of Users. In this example, the Homepage is showing a grid of 4 Widgets.
Task Management
The Tasks view can be fully customised and split into different “Task Groups” which can vary for different types of Users.
Mobile Devices
The finPOWER Connect Cloud interface is fully responsive meaning it will adjust to suit different types of device:
The finPOWER Connect Workflows Add-On adds functionality to implement automation of business processes using a powerful but flexible Workflow Engine.
Whether it is Overdue Monitoring, Collections, Application Processing or Documentation checks, any process that follows a set of rules and steps can be modeled into a workflow that can be initialised from different triggers within finPOWER Connect. The power of Workflows comes from the logical recording and definition of company processes and policies into simple, user driven steps.
- Each workflow is a series of steps that a user can work through. These workflows can be initiated from a number of places within finPOWER Connect and automate the processing of routine tasks.
- Each step in the Workflow can have a preset function, such as adding a Log note, generating a Document, running a Credit Enquiry or Decision Card, escalating the workflow to a supervisor or starting another workflow.
- Each Workflow step can have a range of Outcomes, and each outcome can have an Action associated with it. So success or failure, for each Workflow step can have an impact of which direction the Workflow then takes.
- Once a Workflow has been initiated, it is displayed in the User’s Task Manager.
- The Task Manager acts as a central point for each User to perform their daily functions, whether they are sourced from Workflows, un-actioned Log Notes or User Logs.
- The Task Manager has easy access buttons to cater for regular functions such as recording notes, making payment arrangements, printing documents and sending an e-mail or SMS message.
- Users can also manage their own task lists by creating folders and filters for specific types of tasks.
- Additionally, Workflows can be actioned from the Task Manager with each step being processed and outcomes recorded. Clear graphics provide a quick assessment of the progress of the Workflow and the outcomes of each Workflow step.