finPOWER Connect is developed to fit a wide range of business requirements and lending environments. To cater for this diversity, finPOWER Connect offers a range of modules that allow the system to be configured to meet individual requirements, allowing you to purchase only the specific features you require. These include:
Account Modules
Account Applications
Accounting Ledgers
Advanced Banking
External Interfaces
Account Type Modules
Deposit Accounts
Fixed Term Floating Rate
Loan Accounts
Fixed Term Accounts
Revolving Credit Loan Accounts
Client Modules
Additional Client Identification
and Information
Bank Account Enquiry
Client Statistics
Credit Enquiry
Comprehensive Credit Reporting
External Party Modules
External Parties
(Brokers, Dealers, etc)
Advanced External Parties
(Disbursements, Commissions, BDM)
External Users
General Modules
Accounting Interface
Document Manager
Electronic Signatures
Rate Tables
SMS Service
Web Automation
Securities Register Modules
PPSR Interface
Securities Register
Security Enquiry